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PRCS marks the World Diabetes Day

Al-Bireh: PRCS held several events and activities on the 10th of November throughout the West Bank and the Gaza Strip to mark the World Diabetes Day which is celebrated annually on the 14th of November.

A huge march was organized in Bidia (Salfit Governorate). The march, which started from the town’s PRCS Health Care Centre with the participation of hundreds of Palestinians, PRCS staff and volunteers aimed at encouraging diabetes patients to practice recreational and fitness walking. The march ended at the town’s Municipality where PRCS organized educational and awareness-raising lectures on diabetes, its prevention and treatment to the benefit of tens of Palestinians. During these lectures, Dr. Saleh Abou Abat, Coordinator of the Chronic Diseases Program at PRCS’ Health Care Department, nutritionist Hela Tabakhna and psychologist Jalal Odeh spoke about various health issues related to Diabetes.

Moreover, PRCS volunteers distributed educational and awareness-raising leaflets as well as blue shawls -blue being the color of the World Diabetes Day. The Bidia Health Care Center offered dental exams and a free medical day to measure blood glucose levels.

PRCS staff and volunteers as well as its Primary Health Care Department (PHCD) throughout the West Bank and the Gaza Strip marked the World Diabetes Day in various health centers by holding educational and medical events and activities.

According to Dr. Anwar Dweikat, Head of PHCD, these events reflect the importance given by PRCS to diabetes patients in Palestine. “PRCS provided medical check-ups and offered medical services free-of-charge to a large number of diabetes patients from various age groups in all areas where the Society runs health centers. Moreover, educational and awareness-raising lectures were presented”, he said.

Dr. Abou Abat explained that the day itself is celebrated on November 14 to mark the birthday of Frederick Banting who, along with Charles Best, first conceived the idea which led to the discovery of insulin in 1922. “Throughout November, PRCS shall provide information on diabetes, its prevention and its treatment. It will continue to distribute leaflets, offer medical check-ups free of charge and organize home visits by nurses from Health Care Centers”, he added.