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Malaysian delegation visits PRCS in Gaza

Gaza – On August 12, 2010, a delegation representing the Malaysian Red Crescent and a number of humanitarian organizations of the Malaysian government visited the Palestine Red Crescent Society in the Gaza Strip.

Mr. Datto Hijji Abdel Aziz Abdel Rahim headed the delegation, also representing the prime minister of Malaysia.

The purpose of the visit was to familiarize the delegates with the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip through first-hand experience and to provide humanitarian aid to Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip.

Dr. Khalil Abu-Foul, head of the Disaster Management Unit at PRCS, welcomed the 67 members of the delegation. Dr. Abu-Foul expressed gratitude and appreciation on behalf of the PRCS for the support which the government and people of Malaysia provide to the PRCS and to the Palestinian people.
He then gave a presentation on Israel’s offensive against Gaza during late 2008 and early 2009 with photos demonstrating the devastation and destruction of the Gaza Strip which was documented by the PRCS.

Mr. Abdel-Rahim then spoke, explaining that the delegation would be spending ten days in the Gaza Strip with the aim of providing support to the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip during the holy month of Ramadan. The delegation would distribute gifts and toys to children and food parcels to needy families and a medical team of thirty doctors and nurses would be would be allocated to PRCS hospitals to offer specialized skills.

This visit is the second of its kind in a month and was planned following the visit of PRCS President Dr. Younis Al-Khatib to Malaysia in April. During his visit, Dr. Al-Khatib met with Mrs. Rozma Mansour, Malaysia’s First Lady, and discussed ways to enhance mutual cooperation between the two nations with Malaysian officials.