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Attacking “Gaza Flotilla”… A Flagrant Violation of International Law

Gaza-(31/5/2010): On the morning of this day Israeli forces attacked a convoy of ships, the “Gaza Flotilla”, heading to the besieged Gaza Strip. It constitutes of 5 ships, carrying 650 peace activists as well as humanitarian and medical aids for the Gaza Strip. Media sources, including those from Israel, have reported that the attack has resulted in a number of deaths and injuries.
Being a national humanitarian society that abides by the International Humanitarian Law and the principles of the International Movement of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, the Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) affirms this Israeli conduct constitutes a flagrant violation of the rules of the Public International Law and the Humanitarian Law, for the following reasons:
Firstly, the ships were attacked in international waters, which are supposed to have complete freedom of maritime traffic.
Secondly, the “Gaza Flotilla” was carrying essential humanitarian aid to the besieged Gaza Strip, which is legally regarded as an Occupied Territory. This legal status means that the occupying power, Israel, must take responsibility for providing the citizens of Gaza with food stuffs and medical aid, in addition to permitting receiving relief consignments. (Articles 55 and 62 of the Geneva Forth Convention of 1949 relative to the protection of civilians in time of War).
Thirdly, the nature of the ships, their cargo, and purpose do not form any danger or military threat to Israel or its citizens, providing no legal excuse for such an offensive.
In consequence, PRCS demands the Israeli Occupying Authorities prompt release of all detainees and cargo on the “Gaza Flotilla”, in addition to providing those injured with appropriate medical care. Moreover, PRCS calls upon Israel to take legal responsibility for the population of the occupied Gaza Strip; ending the siege, providing them with food, medical supplies and everyday essential needs and respecting rights guaranteed by the International Humanitarian Law.
Furthermore, PRCS appeals to the International Community, represented by the Security Council, the General Assembly of the United Nations, and the State parties to the Geneva Convention to take legal actions towards this incident.
Finally, PRCS calls upon the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to work on ensuring the safety of the detainees, providing the injured with appropriate medical care, investigating the incident, as well as reporting the names of the killed, injured persons and all other remaining detainees.