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PRCS Celebrates the World Day of Red Cross & Red Crescent

Jerusalem, Ramallah (PRCS/ICRC/IFRC) – People all over the world, united in their belief in humanity and their desire to make the world a better place, celebrate the World Red Cross Red Crescent Day on May 8th to honour the birthday of Henry Dunant, the founder of the Red Cross.
“All can, in one way or another, each in his own sphere and within his own limitations, do something to help the good work forward.” These words, written by Henry Dunant, embody the spirit of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.
This year, the World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day focuses on the challenges and opportunities presented by urbanization.
In the Palestinian Territory, the situation of occupation affects urbanization in different ways. The ongoing expansion of illegal settlements, restrictions on town planning and building licences, as well as constraints on economic development and restrictions on movement are contributing to humanitarian and social concerns such as poverty, insufficient health care, inadequate access to water and sanitation and fragmentation and isolation of land.
It is important to stress the applicability of international humanitarian law, in particular the Fourth Geneva Convention, to the occupied Palestinian Territory. "Human dignity is the backbone of humanitarian law but it continues to be very hard to ensure its respect under the present situation of occupation." said Dr. Younis Al Khatib, Palestine Red Crescent Society President.
The Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) with the support of the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent (IFRC), and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), have been working side by side in the Occupied Palestinian Territory for years. The PRCS, ICRC and the IFRC strive to protect and assist victims of the armed conflict and ensure respect for human dignity.
Today, we celebrate our cooperation and joint humanitarian action carried out daily in the field. It is the occasion to acknowledge the selfless dedication and commitment exhibited by PRCS volunteers, employees and medical teams while fulfilling their humanitarian mission, despite the hardships and restrictions that they face.