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PRCS celebrates its female employees on the occasion of Mother’s Day and Women’s Day

Al Bireh- On the 21st of March 2010, the Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) held, at its Headquarters in Al Bireh, a ceremony on the occasion of Mother’s Day and Women’s International Day during which it honored a number of its distinguished female employees working at all PRCS branches in Palestine and the Diaspora. The ceremony was attended by Dr. Younis Al Khatib, PRCS President, as well as by members from the Society’s Executive Committee and its Administrative Committee, Heads of Departments and a large number of employees from both sexes.
In his speech, Dr. Al Khatib said that Palestinian women have played a key role ever since PRCS was created back in 1968, providing humanitarian services to Palestinians, and helping establish the Society’s first clinic in Marka refugee camp near Amman, which was the first step towards the creation of PRCS. He added that throughout PRCS’s history and development, women have fulfilled their duties and occupied various posts within PRCS, including the posts of President, Vice-President, member of the Executive Committee and its Administrative Committee and Head of Department. They have also taken part in numerous delegations sent by PRCS abroad.
“Women are part and parcel of PRCS. They constitute one of the Society’s pillars and ensure its development, the diversity of its services and help strengthen the steadfastness of Palestinians. The Society promotes gender-equality and women have shouldered responsibilities and have taken part in humanitarian action under difficult conditions”, he said.
Mrs. Fayzeh Zalatimo, one of the staff honored on this occasion, lauded the attention given by PRCS to women. She thanked PRCS and its President for this ceremony which stimulates women and motivates them to give more to society.
The ceremony featured artistic interludes by Al Aqsa Troupe for Popular Arts which was created by PRCS volunteers in Silat Al Harithiya (Jenin). Shields were presented to the following distinguished women working with PRCS: Hadlah Al Ayyoubi, Jean Calder, Fayzeh Zalatimo, Kolzar Abou Hantash, Sou’ad Al Laham, Ni’imati Odeh, Amal Hijazi, Hanan Al Masri, Safiya Al Balbissi and Sobhiya Safadi.