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For the first time in Palestine: A woman becomes the first PRCS female ambulance driver

Tulkarem- Safiya Al Balbissi walks sure footed, like a king. With great self-confidence and with capacities similar to those of men, she drives a PRCS ambulance through the streets and alleys of Tulkarem Governorate. She has become a familiar sight for many Palestinians, even though some people continue to raise an astonished eyebrow when they see her behind the wheel of her ambulance.

From PRCS Headquarters in the centre of Tulkarem, Safiya answers the call of duty on board her ambulance, reaching patients, providing a helping hand together with her colleagues and discharging her humanitarian duties.

With its sirens screaming, Safiya’s ambulance darts across streets to rescue lives, rapidly reaching people in need of help. Thanks to her determination and steadfastness, Safiya (31) from Ittil in the West Bank, has become the first female ambulance driver in Palestine after working as a PRCS EMT since 1998. In 2001, at the beginning of the 2nd Intifada, she was injured in a serious car accident while on her way, together with a colleague, to help fellow-Palestinians in the Governorate, which left her unconscious for five full months. One year later, her brother was killed during an Israeli raid. In 2002, while on their way to rescue the passengers of a car shelled by the Israelis in the city centre, Safiya and her colleagues came under heavy fire: EMT Ibrahim Asad was killed, while Safiya suffered medium injuries. All of the above, but especially the killing of her colleague, made Safiya register in 2005 for a course in ambulance driving which she passed amidst total support from her colleagues who believed in her.

The first time Safiya drove the ambulance, she could not hide her fear or her anxiety: “I was hesitant and scared that first time. It was a huge challenge for me and for society in general, but thanks to encouragements from my family and colleagues I overcame all obstacles. The second time I drove the ambulance, it had become a natural thing”, Safiya said. As for the community’s reaction, Safiya added: “at the beginning it was a bit strange, I noticed that people were astonished when they saw me behind the wheel driving fast in some cases, but they soon accepted the idea. My PRCS colleagues and my family have encouraged me tremendously. My father was the one to first suggest I become a EMT and I obtain my driver’s licence, then my brothers taught me how to drive. All this boosted my self-confidence”.

Safiya said that other drivers are very cooperative. They pull over when they hear the sirens even though some of them are surprised when the ambulance passes their cars and they discover that the driver is a woman.

Safiya encourages young girls to work or to volunteer as EMTs, saying that the presence of a woman is often welcome, especially when dealing with certain cases. “It is very easy to become an EMT. All you need is steadfastness, a strong will and a bit of self-defiance. It’s that simple”.

Safiya’s strong will, her professionalism and excellent capacities have made her colleagues at PRCS/Jenin EMS Department provide her with their full support. Mu’ayad To’meh (30), EMS employee since 2003, said he and his colleagues are very proud of Safiya. “What Safiya does is a source of pride for PRCS and for its branch in Tulkarem. When we see her working in the field, we are filled with joy. She is an excellent driver and a highly qualified EMT who provides great services to all those in need”, he said. He added that as soon as Safiya started speaking about becoming an ambulance driver, everybody encouraged her. When she obtained her driver’s licence, they all gave her a chance to prove herself. And that is exactly what she did. He also spoke about her strong personality which helps her deal with patients, as well as of her high self-restraint.

Mahmoud Al Sa’adi, Head of the EMS Department at PRCS/Tulkarem added his voice to that of Mu’ayad. “Safiya has proven herself. She is skilful, professional, dependable as well as an exceptional driver and EMT. She might have raised astonished eyebrows at the beginning, but now people are used to her and both pedestrians and drivers are cooperative. They even encourage her to continue with her excellent work”, he added.

Safiya Balbissi has proven herself as a unique and leading young Palestinian woman and as an exceptional ambulance driver, opening the door of this profession for other young Palestinian women.