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On the sidelines of the 5th PRCS Partnership meeting in Al Bireh: A delegation from National Red Cross Societies visits PRCS/Lebanon

A delegation comprising members from national Red Cross Societies who took part in the 5th PRCS Partnership meeting held in Al Bireh on the 26th and 27th of October visited PRCS branch in Lebanon in order to get better acquainted with humanitarian services provided by the Society.The delegation, composed of members from the German, Norwegian, Belgian, Dutch and Swedish Red Cross Societies as well as from IFRC and ICRC, was welcomed by Mr. Mohamad Othman, Secretary of the branch and by the directors of several of the branch’s Departments and the head of International Relations and Planning at PRCS. The delegation visited Chatila Refugee Camp in Beirut, Yaffa Medical Center, Haifa Hospital in Burj Al Barajna Refugee Camp near Beirut and Al Hamshari Hospital in Sidon. It was briefed on health and humanitarian conditions of refugees as well as on services provided to them by PRCS. At the end of the visit, the delegation held a series of meetings with PRCS officials in order to determine the urgent needs of PRCS hospitals and medical centers, mainly the maintenance and development of Haifa, Balsam and Al Hamshari hospitals, the reconstruction of PRCS clinic in Nahr Al Bared Refugee Camp, completion of maintenance and development works at Safad Hospital in Al Baddawi refugee camp near Triplo, and enhancing both the Primary Health Care and Youth Program and the IHL dissemination Program.