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With 2500 supervisor and volunteers , PRCS holds 103 summer camps with the participation of 12 thousand children

On the beginning of July 2009, PRCS inaugurated around 103 summer camps targeting children throughout the West Bank, including Jerusalem, and Gaza Strip, with the participation of 12 thousand children and about 2500 supervisors and volunteers.
The camps are held under the slogan "Improving the environment" in cooperation between the PRCS’s department of Youth and Volunteers and PRCS’s other departments; Primary Health Care, Psychological Support, Social welfare, Rehabilitation, and in collaboration with the National Committee for Summer Camps, the Ministry of Education, and the "Salam ya sghar" campaign.
The camps, held over one month shall include leisure events, psychological debriefing activities, artistic shows and plays as well as voluntary environmental activities in schools, including improving school restroom facilities, painting of walls and cleaning of gardens and play grounds. Lectures shall also be held covering: PRCS and its services over the past 40 years; the International Red Cross/Crescent Movement; IHL; Voluntary action; and the Awareness from dangers of mines and unexploded ordnance.
Moreover, the camps shall feature medical tests for participants provided by PRCS' PHC Department and its various centers.