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A Delegation from the European Commission visits PRCS branch in Jabalia

A delegation from the European Commission visited PRCS branch in Jabalia on the 26th of May 2009. The delegation included Marcos Coronado; Head of Neighboring Countries' Polices in the European Commission, Marina Olivier; Head of projects, Christian Berger; Head of the European Commission in Jerusalem, and a number of European Commission employees in Jerusalem.

Dr. Ramez Al- Dawsh , Head of Primary Health Care in Jabalia Branch, stated that the visit falls within the European Comission's tasks in following up the projects it support. One of which is "Society Development based project" from which emerged Safe Motherhood Committees, which include psychological support and health education for mothers and their children. Such programs are executed in three of the PRCS clinics in Jabaliyah, Khalil Al-Wazir, and Ma'an, where 32 members were chosen for each clinic.

Moreover, Marcos Coronado; Head of the European Commission, expressed his pleasure in meeting the children who participated in such projects. He also paid tribute to the sense of hope he witnessed despite the difficulties that these children face on daily basis.