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Red Crescent Society ends a training course for seventy volunteers to work with persons with disability

Ramallah - in the context of cooperation and integration between rehabilitation and volunteers programs in the society, the Palestinian Red Crescent Society held three training courses for volunteers in Northern, Central and Southern areas of the West Bank during the period (28-30/4/21009) for about three days.

The program of the training course included, how to deal with people with disabilities especially mental ones, and how to apply the activities of (CBSE) home enrichment program, through which we can deal with children of tough and very tough mental disability, also the program included on several topics which was:

- General definition of the society centers and its rehabilitation services.
- Mental disability: its concept, causes, and its classifications.
- Home enrichment program: its concept, objectives and target group.
- Visits to the households and how to present the activity.
- How to deal with the families of the disabled people.
- How to apply the individual plans forms for the cases in the program.
- Practical training.

Finally, the training ended with making an evaluation for its all elements, as it added valuable information to the participants in dealing with people with disabilities, and learned them several new skills. The practical training following the training course will be through the distribution of the volunteers to work with the rehabilitation staff in their areas of residence, as the majority of volunteers is of a degree of (B.A) in social work, the gaudiness and sociology.

This training comes as part of a plan that includes both of the projects (CBSE) which is supported by both of the crosses, the Swedish and Norwegian ones, also (Junta De Andaluc?a) project through the ACPP.