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In the presence of the Palestinian Prime Minister PRCS hosts Sheikh Ahmad Al Fahd Al Sabah, President of the Kuwait Olympic Committee

On the 22nd of March 2009, PRCS hosted a lunch in honour of Sheikh Ahmad Al Fahd Al Sabah, President of the Olympic Council of Asia and of the Kuwait Olympic Committee. The lunch, which took place at PRCS headquarters in Al Bireh, was attended by Dr. Salam Fayyad, Palestinian Prime Minister, Mr. Jibril Al Rajoob, President of the Palestinian Olympic Committee, Dr. Younis al Khatib, PRCS President, as well as by a number of Palestinian ministers and personalities from both the political and sports fields.

Dr. Al Khatib greeted the guest at the entrance of PRCS headquarters then accompanied him to the hall where the lunch was hosted. Sheikh Al Sabah commended the architecture of the building and the efforts made to erect this humanitarian edifice for such a great Society which provides services to Palestinians in the homeland and the Diaspora.

In his speech, Dr. Fayyad welcomed the Kuwaiti guest and thanked him for taking part in “Jerusalem Capital of Arab Culture” events. He underlined the strong ties between the Palestinian and Kuwaiti peoples and Kuwait’s undying support of Palestinians’ right to self determination and to establishing their independent state in their homeland.

Sheikh Al Sabah also took the floor during this ceremony and said: “It is an honour and pleasure to be amongst you today. Allow me first to thank you for your warm hospitability for which Palestinians are famous despite all their hardships and the oppression they live under. I am happy to meet with members of the Palestinian Sports Movement which aims to be a good representative of Palestinians and should like to seize this opportunity to underline that Kuwait stands with you. I personally am the son of the Palestinian cause, and I must continue to spread the message and achieve the mission which my father taught me”.

President Mahmoud Abbas had awarded the “Star of Jerusalem” Medal to late Sheikh Fahd Al Ahmad Al Jaber Al Sabah, father of Sheikh Ahmad, in recognition of his role in the Palestinian National Struggle and of his honourable support of the Palestinian people’s strive for freedom and independence.