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PRCS publishes the first booklet in Palestine on First Aid for the Blind in Braille

For the first time in Palestine, PRCS took the initiative of developing a booklet on First Aid for the Blind using Braille language, published on the 22nd of March 2009. Fares Abu-Olbeh, Deputy Director of Emergency Medical Services (EMS), supervised the process during a session on a first aid course for the blind that was held in Qalqiliya last week attended by eight blind participants from the city.

The booklet includes a number of guidelines on how to perform first aid, printed in Braille language.

Abu-Olbeh commented on the idea of a first aid course for the blind, saying that it is a constructive approach for two main reasons. Firstly, from the psychological perspective, it helps to integrate blind persons into their community. Secondly, obtaining technical expertise will be beneficial in their everyday lives in guiding others on how to administer first aid. He explained, "I consulted and discussed this course with a number of experts, one of whom was Dr. Fathy Flafil, Director of the PRCS Psychosocial Department, and they all approved this initiative. Meetings were held over a four month period, until we concluded this course." He added, “We came up with the idea of the booklet for the course, in order to help the blind overcome many obstacles and to help them exercise first aid better.”

Abu-Olbeh also noted that this booklet is the first of its kind in Palestine. It will enable the blind to read its contents without difficulty, because it was written in a scientific manner.