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President Of The International Committee Of The Red Cross, Jacob Kellenberger Visited PRCS Headquarter In Ramallah

Al-Bireh- President of the International Committee of the Red Cross, Mr. Jacob Kellenberger, visited yesterday 14th of January 2009, PRCS headquarter in Al-Bireh /West Bank to be acquainted with PRCS work in providing medical and humanitarian needs and supplies to Gaza Branch.

Killinberg confirmed, during his visit to the PRCS where he met Majed Abdulfattah, Director of International Cooperation and Planning at PRCS, along with other heads of departments, that he will be working hardly to ensure that the protecting of medical teams is in place.

Mr. Abdulfattah, praised efforts that have been made by the International Committee of the Red Cross, and other International Organizations in Gaza Strip. He also stressed the significance of their role in placing stress on Israeli Government to protect medical and humanitarian teams in Gaza Strip.

It is also worth mentioning that the President of the International Committee of the Red Cross was acquainted, during his visit to Gaza Strip the day before, with PRCS damages in Gaza. He also resented exposure of the PRCS facilities.