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Accompanied by the Head of the International Relations and Planning in the PRCS

Prisedent Mahmoud Abbas Met President Of The International Committee Of The Red Cross, Jacob Kellenberger

Ramallah- President Mahmoud Abbas, met yesterday on the 14th of January 2009, at the presidential headquarter in Ramallah, the president of the International Committee of the Red Cross, Jacob Killinberg, escorted by the Majed Abdulfatah, International cooperation and Planning director at the PRCS.

Mr. Kellenberger prefed president Abbas, on his visit to Gaza Strip that includes a visit to PRCS Gaza offices, Al Quds hospital as well as Al shifa Hospital, were he witnessed humanitarian sufferings of the people and witness directly the needs and the services of the hospitals.

Mr. Kellenberger praised the PRCS for its role in easing the suffering of the people in Gaza Strip (I admire the good work and the courage of PRCS life savers, who are willing to give there life to save the life’s of the others; Mr. Kellenberger said)

President Abbas, stressed his concern over the safety of Palestinians in Gaza Strip, specially patients and injured. Moreover, he confirmed that the presidential office willingness to facilitate the treatment of any patients or injured that can be evacuated by ICRC at the West Bank hospitals or elsewhere possible.

President Abbas also stressed on the importance of reconstructing Gaza Strip as soon as the Israeli assaults stop.

Furthermore, President Abbas pointed out that it is extremely important to immediately cease fire so that humanitarian institutions like International Red Cross, Red Crescent, and other Humanitarian Institutions of the United Nations, will have the opportunity to play their humanitarian role, save lives of Palestinians, and fix damages that overtook all life aspects in Gaza Strip.