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Gaza Situation Updates 08/01/2009 till 09/01/2009

This report covers the period of 08/01/2009 (09:00am) till 09/01/2009 (09:00am)

For the 13th consecutive day of the Israeli military operation in the Gaza Strip, PRCS is still at its highest level of alert in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt).
PRCS is deeply concerned over the Israeli army targeting the International humanitarian organizations assistance convoys, the civilians, including medical missions, and their facilities thus. Hampering the access of medical personnel and ambulances to casualties. This delay by the Israeli army led to the dying of many wounded people as a result of not accessing urgent medical attention.
The health and environmental situation in Gaza Strip is alarming. Many dead bodies are scattered in the streets and under the rubbles of the destroyed

houses in most of the affected areas, mainly Al Siefeh, Al Atatra, Al Samoneh, Al Zaytoon, Al Megraqa, Al Rayyes, Al Kashef, Izbet Abed Rabbo and the Bedouins area near Beit Hanoun. The inability of the medical teams to evacuate the dead led to the decomposition of bodies due to the fact that the medical teams are not able to enter these areas, despite of all the ICRC coordination efforts.
Yesterday, at 16:00 pm, a convoy consists of three PRCS ambulances, 8 MOH ambulances ,and one ICRC vehicle, was subjected to direct Israeli army gunfire, near Netsarim Junction, while on route to transport injuries to Rafah border. One ICRC staff was injured and his vehicle was damaged.
In another incident the Israeli army opened fire at an UNRWA truck while on route to transport humanitarian assistances. The UNRWA driver was killed in the incident and another staff was injured. After this incident the UNRWA suspended its activities in the Gaza Strip, thus will deteriorate the humanitarian situation of 750,000 Palestinian refugees who receive humanitarian assistances from the UNRWA and depend on its services.

Yesterday, seven PRCS ambulances and its medical teams escorted by ICRC vehicles and International peace activists entered Al Atatra and Al Zaytoon areas to evacuate the injuries and deaths. The teams evacuated three deaths and transported six families (80 persons most of them children, women and elderly), who were found alive in both areas, to PRCS Al Quds hospital for medical care. It is worth mentioning that this coordination was succeeded after six days of several coordination requests which all failed. The teams could not continue their search operation for victims in the area due to the continuation of the Israeli army gunfire despite the previous coordination with ICR.


PRCS remains extremely concerned over the Israeli army excessive use of force which flagrantly violates the principle of proportionality. A large number of civilians wounded and killed as a result of the heavy Israeli air strikes and indiscriminate bombardments all over the Gaza strip.
During the past 24 hours, the PRCS ambulances and medical teams were dispatched to at least 28 locations, where Israeli army conducted air strikes, land and see bombardments. According to PRCS records, 44 deaths and 145 injuries were transported by PRCS ambulances and medical teams.
Table of the total number of casualties: 

Total number of DeathsChildren WomenMen & Elderly
Total number of injuries


Total number of deaths and injuries served by PRCS medical teams and ambulances:


Situation in Gaza hospitals:
Gaza Strip hospitals and medical premises suffered severe shortages of medical supplies over the past 18 months' blockade and at the same time they are not equipped enough to receive mass casualties. Hospital Operating Rooms are unable to cope with the big number of cases, and also running out of essential medicines and operating theatres essentials. Hospitals and other medical facilities are also understaffed and not able to respond to the load of injuries. Hospitals were being overwhelmed with patients and were running out of space and supplies.

Palestine Red Crescent Intervention:

According to the PRCS EMS stations records, approximately 1644 persons and 469 fatalities were transported by the PRCS ambulances since the beginning of the military operation.
PRCS with the coordination of UNRWA distributed 400 blankets, 300 familiy kits, 50 Hygiene and cleaning kits and 50 baby kits to Palestinian families who left there homes for safety.
PRCS ICU ambulances are assisting in transporting wounded cases from the strip to Rafah border.
Since the beginning of the Israeli offensive, around 200 PRCS volunteers, 60 medics and 120 medical staff were actively involved in providing emergency care in Gaza Strip.

PRCS' challenges:

PRCS evacuated some of its premises for safety reasons. Since seven days, PRCS EMS station in Jabaliya has been evacuated for safety reasons.
Although the PRCS is doing coordination with the ICRC to allow the ambulances and the medical teams enter these locations to evacuate injuries and deaths, and to ensure their safety, PRCS ambulances and medical teams still have no access to the affected areas, which resulted in the death of several wounded.
PRCS faces a problem in the communication networks particularly in the northern part of Gaza Strip. In addition, PRCS EMS stations in Gaza faces the cut of telephone network, affecting the respond of the 101 to people's calls. An alternative line was organized, and the PRCS calls upon the people in Gaza city to contact the PRCS operations room in Gaza and PRCS Al Quds hospital if there is any emergency.

Urgent needs:
Medical Disposables and surgical kits
Medical First Aid Kits
Inter Agency Health Kits (WHO)
Hygiene and cleaning kits
Spare parts to the ambulances that received damage.
Repair and restore the damages of the PRCS premises.

Donate to alleviate the humanitarian suffering in Gaza:
PRCS launched Gaza emergency appeal 2009 that could be access through PRCS website www.palestinercs.og
Direct donations could be done through Palestine red crescent special account number 9090- 652753/513 - Arab Bank - Ramallah Al Balad Branch, Swift No. ARABPS 22090 - Correspondent Bank: CREDIT SUISSE
OUR USD ACC. # 0835080431314780


Donate online through special account at Map Canada
You can donate on line by clicking on the link http://www.mapcan.org/english.html and click on ‘’donations’’, then select the button donate now of ‘’Canadahelps’’
Select ‘’Medical aid for Palestine’’, then ‘’ Emergency Campaign for Gaza’’for the fund designation and finally write for PRC