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PRCS Emergency Medical Technician Shot by Israelis During Fire Cease

Gaza- Hasan Al-Attal, an emergency medical technician "EMT" working for PRCS was wounded Wednesday (07/01/2009) at 1:30pm. A live Israeli bullet hit Al Attal in the thigh while retrieving the body of a deceased civilian from a bombed building in a region called Zemmo Roundabout, which is situated in the northern section of the Gaza Strip.

Al Attal stated that he reached the Zemmo Roundabout at 1:30 pm; a full half a hour into the 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm humanitarian cease fire announced by Israeli military. Al Attal had just placed the deceased onto a stretcher. Suddenly, Al Attal and his volunteer colleague were subjected to massive shooting from the Israeli military. Al Attal was shot in his thigh. Al Attal was evacuated by PRCS colleagues to the Al Odeh Hospital and then transferred to the PRCS Quds Hospital in the Gaza.