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Gaza Situation Updates 5/01/2009 (09:00am) till 06/01/2009 (09:00am)

This report covers the period of 05/01/2009 (09:00am) till 06/01/2009 (09:00am)

For the tenth consecutive day of the Israeli military operation in the Gaza Strip, PRCS is still at its highest level of alert in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt).
PRCS is deeply concerned over the Israeli targeting of medical missions. Hampering the access of medical personnel and ambulances to casualties has led to the dying of wounded while waiting for a long time to be transported.
Yesterday, the Israeli army opened fire at two PRCS ambulances in Gaza Strip, causing damage to one of them. Fortunately no injuries were reported.

Moreover, one medical personnel, from the military medial services, was injured and two PRCS ambulances were damaged, after an Israeli airstrike in Jabaliya area and while the medical teams were trying to transport injuries and deaths.

At 17:00pm, a PRCS ambulance was dispatched to Al Samoni area, south of Gaza Strip, after coordination was made with the ICRC and got the green light to proceed to transport one of the injuries. When the ambulance reached the location of the incident, and without any provocation, the Israeli soldiers opened fire at it. Fortunately no injuries were reported, but the ambulance received damage.

At 18:00pm, a PRCS ambulance was dispatched to Al Atatra area, after coordination was made with the ICRC and got the green light to proceed to transport casualties. When the ambulance reached the location of the incident, the Israeli soldiers opened fire at it. Fortunately no injuries were reported.

The situation in Gaza Strip is alarming. A large number of people left their homes for safety. According to ICRC report, ten out of 45 wells are no longer functioning due to the runing out of fuel. Two wells are damaged due to the air strikes, and the rest of the water wells are set to shut down in the coming 2-3 days as their support generators will run out of fuel, which will deprive half a million of people in Gaza Strip the access to water.

PRCS remains extremely concerned over the Israeli army excessive use of force which flagrantly violates the principle of proportionality. A large number of civilians wounded and killed as a result of the heavy Israeli air strikes and indiscriminate bombardments all over the Gaza strip.

During the past 24 hours, the PRCS ambulances and medical teams were dispatched to at least 47 locations, where Israeli army conducted air strikes, land and see bombardments. According to PRCS records, at least, 42 Palestinian civilians were killed, including 17 children and 5 women, and approximately 173 others were injuries.

Table of the total of casualties:

Total number of DeathsChildren WomenMen
Total number of injuries


Number of deaths and injuries served by PRCS medical teams and ambulances:


Situation in Gaza hospitals:
Gaza Strip hospitals and medical premises have suffered severe shortages of medical supplies over the past 18 months' blockade and are not equipped enough to receive mass casualties. Hospital Operating Rooms are overflowing, and running out of essential medicines. Hospitals and other medical facilities are also understaffed and not able to respond to the load of injuries. Hospitals were being overwhelmed with patients and were running out of space and supplies.

Palestine Red Crescent Intervention:
According to the PRCS EMS stations records, approximately 1322 persons including 342 fatalities were transported by the PRCS ambulances since the beginning of the military operation.

PRCS Al Quds hospital distributed Hygiene and cleaning kits to 40 injuries at the hospital.

PRCS dispatched three ICU ambulances at the Rafah border to assist the ministry of health in transporting the wounded cases to Egypt and other Arab countries.

Since, PRCS blood transfusion services sent 260 units of blood to Gaza Strip through the ICRC. Other units will be sent later on after testing.

Since the beginning of the Israeli offensive, around 200 PRCS volunteers, 60 medics and 120 medical staff were actively involved in providing emergency care in Gaza Strip.

PRCS' challenges:
PRCS evacuated some of its premises for safety reasons. Since four days, PRCS EMS station in Jabaliya has been evacuated for safety reasons.

Although the PRCS is doing coordination with the ICRC to allow the ambulances and the medical teams enter these locations to evacuate injuries and deaths, and to ensure their safety, PRCS ambulances and medical teams still have no access to the affected areas, which resulted in the death of several wounded.

PRCS EMS station in Gaza faces the cut of telephone network, affecting the respond of the 101 to people's calls. An alternative line was organized, and the PRCS calls upon the people in Gaza city to contact the PRCS operations room in Gaza and PRCS Al Quds hospital if there is any emergency.

Urgent needs:

Medical Disposables and surgical kits
Medical First Aid Kits
Inter Agency Health Kits (WHO)
Hygiene and cleaning kits
Spare parts to the ambulances that received damage.
Repair and restore the damages of the PRCS premises.

Donate to alleviate the humanitarian suffering in Gaza:

PRCS launched Gaza emergency appeal 2009 that could be access through PRCS website www.palestinercs.og

Direct donations could be done through Palestine red crescent special account number 9090- 652753/513 - Arab Bank - Ramallah Al Balad Branch, Swift No. ARABPS 22090 - Correspondent Bank: CREDIT SUISSE
OUR USD ACC. # 0835080431314780


Donate online through special account at Map Canada

You can donate on line by clicking on the link http://www.mapcan.org/english.html and click on ‘’donations’’, then select the button donate now of ‘’Canadahelps’’

Select ‘’Medical aid for Palestine’’, then ‘’ Emergency Campaign for Gaza’’for the fund designation and finally write for PRCS in the note section..