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Gaza Situation Updates 1/1/2009

13:00 pm
For the sixth consecutive day of the Israeli military operation in the Gaza Strip, PRCS is still at its highest level of alert in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt). PRCS remains extremely concerned over the large number of civilians wounded and killed as a result of the heavy Israeli air strikes bombardment all over the Gaza strip, and the shortage of medical supplies and relief items.

Since the beginning of the Israeli military operations, a total number of 400 Palestinians, including women and children, have been killed, and at least 2000 others were wounded, including 200 wounded in a critical condition.

During the past 24 hours, the PRCS ambulances and medical teams were dispatched to at least 37 locations, where Israeli army conducted air strikes. According to PRCS recorded, at least, seven Palestinian civilians were killed, including one emergency medical technician and one child, and approximately 17 others were injuries.

Gaza Strip hospitals have suffered severe shortages of supplies over past 18 months' blockade and are not equipped to receive mass casualties. Hospital Operating Rooms are overflowing, and are running out of essential medicines. They are also understaffed and not able to respond to the load of injuries as the official statement from staff at the main hospital in Gaza Strip says. Hospitals were being overwhelmed with patients and were running out of space and supplies.

Gaza Strip is densely populated. Its 1.5 million residents are already experiencing shortages in medicine, electrical power and basic supplies due to 18-month Israeli blockade. Current prognosis is for the crisis to continue with increased casualties.

Red Crescent intervention:

The Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) is responsible for the provision of relief and humanitarian services; Ambulance services (EMS), Disaster response, Primary health care and Hospital care.

Since the beginning of the Israeli offensive, around 200 PRCS volunteers, 60 medics and 120 medical staff were actively involved to provide emergency care in Gaza Strip.

According to the PRCS EMS stations records, approximately 650 persons including 190 fatalities were transported by the PRCS ambulances since the beginning of the military operation.

PRCS dispatched three ICU ambulances at the Rafah border to assist the ministry of health in transporting the wounded cases to Egypt.

PRCS blood transfusion services collected around 700 blood units from several cities and villages in the West Bank, and it is in the process to be sent to Gaza Strip through the ICRC. That’s beside the 300 units that have been already transferred to Gaza


Yesterday, PRCS sent, through the ICRC, a relief convoy including 65 pallets of medical and relief items, ie surgical kits, Hygiene kits, tents, blankets, sleeping bags, kerosene stove and heaters. The relief convoy is waiting the Israeli authorities’ approval, at Karem Abu Salem Crossing, to enter Gaza Strip.

Other challenges

PRCS has to evacuate some of its installations for safety. Today PRCS evacuated the Khan Younis EMS station after receiving a warning that the Israeli army will attack a house near the station.

Urgent needs:
Medical Disposables and surgical kits
Medical First Aid Kits
Inter Agency Health Kits (WHO)
Hygiene and cleaning kits

Donate to alleviate the humanitarian suffering in Gaza:

PRCS launched Gaza emergency appeal 2009 that could be access through PRCS website www.palestinercs.og

Direct donations could be done through Palestine red crescent special account number 9090- 652753/513 - Arab Bank - Ramallah Al Balad Branch.


Donate online through special account at Map Canada

You can donate on line by clicking on the link http://www.mapcan.org/english.html and click on ‘’donations’’, then select the button donate now of ‘’Canadahelps’’

Select ‘’Medical aid for Palestine’’, then ‘’ Emergency Campaign for Gaza’’for the fund designation and finally write for PRCS in the note section..