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Gaza Situation Updates 31/12/2008

For the fifth consecutive day since the Israeli military operation began in the Gaza Strip, PRCS continues to be at its highest level of alert in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. PRCS remains extremely concerned about protected groups under the Geneva Conventions, particularly civilians, medical teams and the wounded due to the ongoing heavy Israeli air strikes throughout the Gaza strip, and the resulting shortage of medical supplies and relief items.

Since the beginning of the Israeli military operations, 370 Palestinians, including women and children, have been killed and at least 1800 injuries, 200 in critical condition.

During the past 24 hours, the PRCS recorded at least seven Palestinian deaths, including one medical employee from the Ministry of Health, and approximately 20 injuries.

Gaza Strip hospitals are reporting severe shortages of supplies since the blockade began 18 month ago, and thus they are not equipped to receive mass casualties. Hospital operating rooms are overflowing and running out of essential medicines. They are also understaffed and not able to cope with the high number of injuries as reported in an official statement from staff at the main hospital in the Gaza Strip.

The Gaza Strip is densely populated. Its 1.5 million residents have been experiencing shortages in medicine, power and basic supplies due to the 18-month Israeli blockade. The current crisis is predicted to continue with a further increase in casualties.

Palestine Red Crescent intervention:
The Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) is responsible for the provision of relief and humanitarian services; Emergency Medical Services (EMS), Disaster Response, Primary Health and Hospital care.

Since the beginning of the Israeli offensive, 200 PRCS volunteers, 60 medics and 120 medical staff have been providing emergency assistance in the Gaza Strip.
According to the EMS records, approximately 570 victims including 183 fatalities were transported by PRCS ambulances.

PRCS dispatched three Intensive Care Unit (ICU) ambulances at the Rafah Border to assist the Ministry of Health in transporting the wounded to Egypt.

Today, PRCS will attempt to transport 7-8 trucks full of medical and relief items such as surgical kits, hygiene kits, tents, blankets, sleeping bags, kerosene stove and heaters in coordination with the International Committee of the Red Cross.

Other challenges
Due to the Israeli heavy bombardment and air strikes, one medical employee was killed and several others were injured in Al Rayyes Hill East of Gaza City while on humanitarian duty to evacuate the wounded. PRCS has decided to evacuate some of its installations for precautionary safety measures. Today, PRCS plans to evacuate the Rafah EMS station after Israeli army air strikes hit targets near the station.

Urgent needs:
Medical Disposables and surgical kits
Medical First Aid Kits
Inter Agency Health Kits (WHO)
Hygiene and cleaning kits

Donate to alleviate the humanitarian suffering in Gaza:

PRCS account number 9090- 652753/513 - Arab Bank - Ramallah Al Balad Branch.