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Gaza Humanitarian Situation Update Press Release (1)

More than 280 Palestinians in Gaza were killed, and around 800 have been injured as a result of Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip on Saturday the 27th of December 2008, the attacks continue and more causalities are expected over the coming few days.

PRCS staff and volunteers in Gaza, working with limited supplies and resources, have so far focused on the evacuation of hundreds of dead and injured first aid, emergency medical care, and triage.

PRCS in Gaza continues to face a severe shortage in medicines, medical supplies, as well as fuel, spare parts and ambulances. Supplies are expected to be fully exhausted over next 2 to 3 days. PRCS is urging the international community to intervene and put more pressure on Israeli authorities to allow access of needed humanitarian goods and relief into Gaza.

Through ICRC, PRCS has unsuccessfully been attempting over the last few months, and intensively over the last week, to send five ambulances, 120 pallets of medications and medical supplies, VHF communication spare parts, as well as hospital standby generators to Gaza.

PRCS views the Israeli attacks against Gaza Strip in total violation of international humanitarian law.

PRCS urges all international organizations, including ICRC to:

1. Pressure the Israeli authorities to permit life saving assistance and relief to hospitals and emergency medical providers in Gaza.
2. Provide protection for the civilian population of Gaza
3. Lobby for an immediate halt to all military activity