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PRCS’s Director of National Blood Transfusion Services obtains an International Medical Research Award for the Second Year in a Row

Ramallah – The American Breast Cancer Research Institute has bestowed its Distinction Award upon Dr. Samir Al Khatib, PRCS’s Director of National Blood Transfusion Services, for his research concerning breast cancer in Palestinian women, for the second year in a row.

Dr. Al Khatib shared the award with Dr. Moien Kanaan, Hereditary Research Center Director and Dean of Science at Bethlehem University, for their research entitled “Determining the hereditary factor for contracting breast cancer in Palestinian women”.

The research, which included a study about breast cancer, looked into family information and relevant medical statistics pertaining to 150 breast cancer patients in Palestine.

It is worth noting that the Institute had already given Dr. Al Khatib this award in October of last year for the same research, which has not yet been concluded.