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PRCS receives six ambulances donated by a Saudi Company

PRCS received on the 4th of June 2008 six Hyundai ambulances donated by Majdo’i Car Dealership in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The ambulances were delivered to PRCS at the Moqatta’a headquarters in Ramallah and aim to alleviate the suffering of Palestinians caused by the inhumane practices of Israeli Occupation Authorities.
Mr. Younis Al Khatib, PRCS President, received the ambulances’ keys from Dr. Rafeeq Al Husseini, Head of President Abbas Office, in the presence of Mr. Suleiman Al Ahmad, PRCS Administrative Director, and Dr. Mohamad Awada, Head of PRCS EMS Department.

Mr. Al Khatib took the floor on this occasion and addressed his sincere thanks to the Saudi Company for this generous humanitarian action, adding that the ambulances shall be used to serve Palestinians. He also thanked the Palestinian Presidency for their efforts to facilitate the arrival of the ambulances to Ramallah. The ambulances had arrived in Jordan and then had entered Palestine through the Karama Border Crossing Point (Allenby Bridge).

It is to be noted that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has in the past donated numerous ambulances as well as medicine and medical supplies to PRCS.