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IHL and Dissemination Unit


The International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and Dissemination Unit, established in 2002, plays a pivotal role in the Palestinian context due to the de jure applicability of IHL to the occupied Palestinian territory, which provides a legal framework and reference that governs the behavior of the Israeli occupation authorities as an occupying power. The Unit's mission is multi-faceted, focusing on advocacy and adherence to IHL and raising awareness of IHL, the International Movement of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, its fundamental principles, and the services PRCS provides for the Palestinian people.

Objectives and Activities:

Raising awareness among PRCS’ staff, volunteers, and the broader Palestinian community regarding the provisions and principles of IHL, the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, its humanitarian role, fundamental principles, and the protection, respect, and misuse of its emblems. This is achieved through regular workshops and training sessions. 
Facilitate the adoption and implementation of local legal instruments in accordance with IHL, such as Palestinian Decree Law No. (15) of 2015 and its by-laws of 2018 regarding the use and protection of the Red Crescent, Red Cross, and Red Crystal emblems. The unit is committed to monitoring the enforcement of these laws in cooperation with relevant official institutions. To inform and guide this process, the unit provides necessary advice and consultations, reinforcing its advocacy for the alignment of local laws with the provisions of IHL.
Document and report violations by the Israeli occupation forces against PRCS, its teams, properties, and medical missions. These reports serve as advocacy tools, drawing attention to the challenges faced and calling for necessary interventions and support. This also includes coordination with relevant bodies to facilitate PRCS's humanitarian mission.
Advocating for protecting and respecting IHL and human rights, particularly medical and humanitarian personnel, the right to health and access to medical services in the occupied Palestinian territory.
Build strategic partnerships with local, regional, and international organizations to amplify advocacy efforts. This includes collaboration with media, human rights, and humanitarian entities, which allows for wider dissemination and increased visibility of key messages.
Active participation in national (such as the National Committee for International Humanitarian Law) and international forums (such as the UN Human Rights Council) in relation to IHL, which allows the unit to represent PRCS, share experiences, advocate for change, and contribute to the global discourse on IHL and humanitarian issues.
Ensuring PRCS is presented as a national society that plays an auxiliary role to government entities, and widely disseminating the humanitarian services provided by PRCS in the oPt and the diaspora.