Statement | Occupation forces attack the Palestine Red Crescent ambulances in Jenin

Al-Bireh (19.06.2023) - Israeli occupation forces attacked two PRCS ambulances this morning in Jenin, directly targeting them with live ammunition, causing material damage to the structure and glass of the vehicles. One of the ambulances was hit by a military vehicle before it was shot at by occupation forces, causing severe damage to the ambulance, as it was taken out of service due to the attack.
Occupation forces also delayed the access of ambulances to the sick and wounded, who are in desperate need of emergency medical services, endangering the safety of civilians.
Occupation forces raided the city of Jenin and its refugee camp early this Monday morning, resulting in armed clashes leading to numerous injuries and casualties, among the causalities, was a child not exceeding fifteen years of age. Between 4:45 AM to 12:00 PM, PRCS medical teams evacuated two martyrs and dealt with 28 injuries, including 16 gunshot wounds, 4 shrapnel wounds, one fall injury, 5 gas injuries, and two cases of panic.
PRCS views with grave concern these repeated violations by occupation forces, emphasizing that the rules and norms of international humanitarian law (IHL) prohibit endangering the lives of medical teams. IHL also prohibits targeting civilians and civilian objects and requires all parties to a conflict to take precautionary measures to ensure their safety. These rules and norms also guarantee the right of all wounded and sick people to receive necessary medical care without any discrimination, and require the occupying authorities to facilitate the access and work of medical teams to places where their services are indispensable.
PRCS calls on the States Parties to the four Geneva Conventions of 1949 and relevant international organizations, foremost among them the UN Security Council, to ensure Israel's compliance, as the occupying power, with the legal obligations imposed upon it, to put an end to these repeated practices, and to stop the impunity of Israeli occupying authorities.