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PRCS Operations Room Report Friday- Saturday, May 12th- 13th, 2023 23:00-08:00

  •  For the fifth day in a row, the Israeli airstrikes against the Gaza Strip continue. PRCS operations Room continres to follow up the escalation developments. The early morning hours of Satuday, May 13th witnessed a sharp increase in the number of airstrikes against the Gaza Strip, with heavy bombardment, targeting a number of houses and agricultural lands.

  •  The Educational Process is still on hault at all schools and universities in the Gaza Strip. Today,UNRWA announced they will start with E-Learning for their school students.

  • In a flagrant violation against Medical Institutions, substantial damages to Shuhada’ Al Aqsa Hospital in Deir Al Balah, and Muscat Center in Khan Younis were caused by heavy Israeli airstriks in the neighborhoods around, according to the statement of the Ministry of Health.

  •  Gaza Strip crossings (Erez and Karm Abu Salem) continue to be colosed for the 5th consecutive day, severely impacting the fuel, food and medical needs supplies; which is threatening a wide number of Cancer patients, and patients in need of referrals to the West Bank hopsitals.

    Additionally, Gaza Electricty Company decalred that the ongoing prevention of Fuel entry to the Gaza Strip is threatening a full cut of electricity supply services, which will severely impact hospitals, Water purification and Sanitation networks, and many other essential services.
    The company called for the international community, Human Rights’ Organizations, and the relevant parties of influence to intervene on a matter of urgency to allow entry of fuel supply to the Gaza Strip.

    Highlights of PRCS Response Operations during the reporting period:

o PRCS Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Teams have dealt with 0 martyrs and 1 injury.
So far, PRCS has dealt with a total number of 14 martyrs and 76 injured since the beginning of the escalation, transported to hospitals.

o PRCS Operations Room keeps close monitoring of the emergency operations and level, and is activating the operating procedures accordingly.

In the West Bank:

An incursion by Israeli Occupation Forces to Balata Refugee Camp in Nablus took place this morning. As a result, PRCS EMS Teams dealt with a total number of 83 injuries, including:

  •  2 martyrs- due to head gunshots

  • 3 live ammunition injruies, transported to hosptials, including a 50 years old woman in a critical condition who was shot with 4 live ammunition while inside her house

  • 75 injuries dealt with in the field, by gas suffocation and live ammunition shrapnels.

    2 violations were recorded against PRCS Teams, including direct taregtting of a PRCS Ambulance by Sound bombs, and prevention of access of ambulances to the injured.