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Update on the Recent Escalation Nablus- Wednesday 22.2.2023

Update on the Recent Escalation Nablus- Wednesday 22.2.2023 

The Palestine Red Crescent Society’s (PRCS) Emergency Medical Teams responded to the escalation in the old city of Nablus, on 22.2.2023. PRCS’ teams dealt with 6 martyrs, and a total number of 158 live ammunition injuries, of whom 103 cases were transported to the hospitals of the city, in addition to 55 cases that were dealt with in the field. PRCS’ teams also dealt with 295 tear gas injury and 35 cases of other types of injuries. It is worth noting that among those injured and treated by PRCS’ teams there were 127 children. 1 

While on duty to provide emergency medical treatment to those caught in the middle of the fighting as well as to respond to medical emergency calls, PRCS teams were subject to numerous violations by the Israeli Occupation Forces. 

In one case, PRCS teams were on the way to deal with an injury in Ras al Ain area near Ashour Mosque, the Occupation Forces attacked and prevented access of the ambulance- threatening the lives of the teams and causing damage to the ambulance.
In another case, PRCS teams were heading to Bab Al Saha to deal with an injury, Occupation Forces targeted the ambulance with rubber-coated bullets, threatening the lives of the team, and causing damage to the ambulance and breaking the left mirror. 

Furthermore, PRCS received an emergency call for medical intervention for a 2 years old child suffering from Heart disease and who was suffocating due to tear gas. PRCS teams headed to the case however the ambulance was denied access. The team were forced to go walking, still they got shot at with rubber- coated bullets. When the team was finally able to reach the child, they were prevented from leaving the house and evacuating the injured child for 40 minutes until a coordination took place. 

As per the numbers and types of injuries, the excessive use of force was very obvious, in addition to the operation taking place from 9:00am till 13:00 pm, where the civilians and children were having a normal day in the streets; threatening the lives of the population who are protected persons under international humanitarian law. 

While PRCS activated its Nablus contingency plan and was able to mobilize the teams and resources including 9 ambulances, 27 EMTs and First Responders and 50 First aiders qualified volunteers to respond promptly and properly; the context was highly volatile, and the teams have again suffered from hindered provision of services; threatening their lives despite taking the safer access measures. 

For Nablus, and Beyond, and with the ongoing reporting, and the constant context and scenario analyses, the recurrent escalations that are taking place on very short intervals of time, are foreseen to impact the affected Palestinian population and PRCS teams on different levels; leading to increased need for multiple services, including but not limited to the psychosocial support for the population and the teams- as well as Emergency Medical Services.

With the General Strike announced in Palestine, and the Gaza on Feb 23rd morning- PRCS stays on alert to respond to the emerging situation across all localities, with mobilization of teams, volunteers and all available resources as needed. 


1 Figures are based on PRCS field team report on interventions.