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Occupation Forces Hinder PRCS Access to Jenin Refugee Camp

Al-Bireh, 26.01.2023 – Israeli Occupation Forces today hindered the access of PRCS ambulances and EMTs to Jenin refugee camp, informing ICRC that the Society’s ambulances will not be given access without prior coordination with them. A large number of Israeli soldiers raided Jenin refugee camp early this morning in a large-scale operation that started at 07:05 and ended at 10:30. Heavy clashes erupted with the soldiers, leaving 9 Palestinians killed and tens of others wounded.

One hour after the raid started and given the heavy death toll, PRCS teams were allowed into the camp at their own risk after ICRC coordinated their passage. Six PRCS ambulances entered the camp, exercising a high degree of caution as warning shots continued to be heard as they made their way into the camp. The bodies of six martyrs were evacuated and 28 wounded Palestinians (26 with live bullet wounds and 2 suffering from tear gas suffocation) were transported out of the camp.

PRCS expresses its deep concern regarding denying access of its medical teams to casualties at the refugee camp; such practices put civilian lives at risk and constitute a grave breach of IHL provisions which call for the protection of human life and safety at all times.