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The objective of the Department

Promoting voluntary action to support PRCS programs and local communities with a special focus on harnessing young people to develop their communities in line with Society’s values and principles.


  • Enhancing the spirit of volunteering especially among young people;
  • Engaging volunteers in disseminating the Society’s mission as well as the principles of the International Movement;
  • Harnessing the potential of volunteers and enhancing their skills, talents, and capacities;
  • Enhancing the Youths Program to enable it to deal with key issues;
  • Preparing young Palestinian leaders and activists;
  • Actively engaging youths to support local communities mainly in marginalized and underprivileged areas;
  • Enhancing partnerships with local, national, regional and international youth bodies;
  • Promoting the role of young people in the health, environmental and social fields and helping them keep up with changing technology;
  • Promoting voluntary action in Palestine and the diaspora.