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Islam Al Natsheh: From Volunteer to International Trainer

Islam Al Natsheh (26), a young man with a disability, could not have imagined that volunteering with the Palestine Red Crescent Society Youth Resilience Program supported by the Netherlands Red Cross would drastically change his life. By volunteering with the Youth and Volunteers’ Department at the Society’s branch in Hebron, Islam realized his dream and became a Life Skills trainer. 

Islam has a degree in accounting. His desire to polish his skills, develop his personality and serve his community drove him to volunteer with PRCS. He wants to become more engaged and active, and to influence change by starting with himself.

“When I started volunteering with PRCS, my life goals changed. I now aim to drive change and to lead youth groups. As a disabled person, I faced many challenges on both the academic and the professional levels. But now I have become a role model, and my story is a success story and an inspiration for others. I attended many training courses in the fields of youth leadership and life skills, inter alia. This helped me overcome challenges and enhanced my resilience. The lack of opportunities for people with disabilities led me to create my own opportunities”, Islam said.

“These topics interested me, and I managed to obtain the necessary qualifications through training courses. I thus became an internationally recognized Human Development trainer. I helped draft plans to train about 5000 young men and women in 2018, butwe ended up training many more people. My aim today is to be able to train people in other countries so my voice is heard everywhere”, he added.

 “I am proud to be leading youth groups in and around my city. I have taken part in numerous initiatives that benefit society and aim at bringing about change. My mission is the betterment of Humanity. I aim to empower youth and to build their capacities so they can overcome challenges and increase resilience at the individual and community levels”, Islam concluded.

