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Dima Nairoukh: PRCS Is Making My Dream Come True

“My dream is to become a trainer in the field of Human Development. Volunteering with PRCS is making this dream come true. I believe that volunteering is a pillar of life as well as a mission that must be fulfilled”. With these words, Dima Nairoukh described what volunteering means to her. Dima volunteers with the Youth Section at the Society’s branch in Hebron. “Volunteering drastically changed my life. The training I receivedhelped me take responsibility in my community. I can now assist, lead and influence others to think and act positively and creatively. My journey with PRCS started when I attended a First Aid course they organized. I then took part in many community activities such as assisting worshipers at Al-Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron during the month of Ramadan, organizing recreational activities for children and helping farmers during the olive-harvest season. I also attended courses on life skills, Youths as Agents of Change, and Disaster Response”, she added. Dima spoke about the joy she feels when she helps marginalized people and partakes in awareness-raising and educational workshops. All these activities added value to her life, she says. The life skills she has learned and the training she received increased her self confidence and built her public speaking skills. As she worked as a teacher, she now better understands how to cope with her students and how to help them use their emotional intelligence to overcome challenges. She also changed her approach to teaching and used techniques such as brain storming, team work and positive problem solving.

“Volunteering and the various training courses I attended changed my vision for the future. They taught me how to develop plans with prioritized goals, targets and budgets, and how to work with experienced people who can help me execute those plans”.

Deema has been involved in the life skills program for two years now, which its part of the partnership project between PRCS and Netherlands Red Cross.