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My Children Can Finally Sleep In a Warm Place

By: Ra’ed Al Nims

“We are drowning… Save us”. This terrifying call for help was received by the PRCS’ Operations Room in Gaza on January 23, 2020, during a particularly bad weather episode. An assessment team comprising volunteers from the Society’s Disaster Management Unit (DMU) was immediately dispatched to the scene after being informed that several families were threatened by flood water. Fifteen minutes later, the team reached an old and crumbling house whose roof had started to cave in, causing stones, mud and water to fall into the rooms underneath.

Saleem Abou Ras (26), a DMU volunteer, spoke about what he and the team saw upon arrival: “we were totally shocked by what we saw. Four brothers as well as their parents, wives and children – 24 people in all - lived in this very old house which was literally disintegrating. Rain was falling down in torrents, and the children were terrified and crying. We carried out a rapid assessment of their needs and handed them tarpaulin sheets and cleaning tools as well as mattresses and covers so their children could go to sleep”.

Maher Al Kishawi (38), one of the four brothers living with their families in the house, said: “I live with my wife and five children in one room in this tiny house. Because of the heavy rain, the roof of our room collapsed and water, mud and stones fell on us as we were sleeping. I took my children out to the courtyard… I did not know what to do. They were all terrified. However, despite the floods and bad weather, PRCS’ teams came to help. They offered us many supplies, and we managed to get through that horrible night”. His wife, Suad (35), added: “Our house is ancient and suffers from humidity. Our family is so big and we have no source of income. Without the help of PRCS’ teams our lives would have certainly been in danger. The team paid us another visit after this incident and offered us additional supplies. We are safe, at least for the time being. Most important of all, my children can now sleep safely and in a warm room”.