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Sahar Abou Hadid: A well-Prepared Housewife

Ali Obeidat

Driven by a strong desire to learn and to help others, housewife Sahar Abou Hadid (25) who lives with her family in Dura in the southern West Bank recently partook in the Disaster Management Camp organized by PRCS’ Disaster Management Unit in Khirbet Kais in the northern West Bank.

Sahar has been volunteering with the Society’s local branch in Dura on a small scale for the past two years. Her wish to make a bigger impact by helping people affected by disasters led her to join PRCS’ Disaster Management Camp. “This is the first time I participate in such a Camp. My colleagues encouraged me to join the Camp in order to learn how to implement contingency plans to respond to both natural disasters and those caused by the Israeli occupation".


She added: "My wish to help others drove me to volunteer with PRCS and to seek training in order to offer humanitarian assistance and psychological and material support to people in times of disaster".

 About the support from her family, she said: "My husband is my biggest supporter. He believes that women have a key role to play in society. He also knows that PRCS enjoys a very good reputation".

Sahar was very interested in joining this Camp because the town where she lives is quite remote and is prone to disasters. She said: "To be able to help my own community in times of emergency,  I need to be prepared and this Camp was the best opportunity to learn how to deal with such situations".

The Disaster Management Camp covered most services offered by PRCS, such as Emergency Medical Services, Psychological Health services and Rehabilitation. During the Camp we were taught to respond to all situations as well as to assess needs, deal with casualties, build camps and sanitation facilities and evacuate the wounded”, Sahar said.

