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PRCS’ Psychosocial First Aid Team Assists Palestinians Wounded During March of Return

By: Ra’ed Al Nims

PRCS’ Psychosocial First Aid team has visited Palestinians wounded during the March of Return as well as their families and Emergency Medical Service providers, comforting them and offering them assistance following Israel’s response to the peaceful demonstrations in the Gaza Strip. The team’s interventions included the provision of Psychosocial  First Aid as well as activities aimed at reducing fear and distress, and restoring hope.

According to Azmi Al Astal, Head of the Society’s Psychosocial Support Department, “Psychosocial  First Aid was provided to most wounded Palestinians in Gaza Strip hospitals. We shall continue to work with the wounded and to provide psychological support to the amputees as well as to Emergency Medical Service providers in hospitals. 73 volunteers from our Psychosocial First Aid team have so far assisted 533 wounded Palestinians, including medical service providers, as well as 609 of their relatives”.

Nasser Shakoura (21) was wounded during the March. “I was shot in the foot last Friday near Jabalia and was taken to Al Shifa’ Hospital. I felt depressed and discouraged. However, the Society’s team comforted me and provided me with a sense of hope. They helped me understand that my injury is not the end of the world”, he said.

Mohamad Mansour (26) was at the hospital with a young wounded relative. “My relative Mohanad lives in Al Shaja’iyeh. He was shot in the abdomen and was crying all the time. However, after the Society’s team met with him, he started talking and laughing again. His depression and anxiety turned into optimism”, he said.

According to Abdallah Ni’meh, a mental health worker on the team, “the first sessions held with the injured and their families aimed at comforting people, especially minors, and helping them feel calm. We also provided them with our phone numbers so they can contact us should they need further help”.

