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Families Affected by Extreme Weather Conditions

By: Raed Al Nims

During the severe weather episode which hit the Gaza Strip on January 19, 2018, PRCS’ Operations Room was contacted by a family in the northern Gaza Strip whose makeshift home, composed of a wooden frame and tarpaulin sheets, was partially blown away by the strong winds.

A team from PRCS’ Disaster Management Unit headed to the scene. According to Abdel Aziz Abou Eisheh, Unit Director, “the living conditions of that family were appalling. Their makeshift house, which affords little protection under extreme weather conditions, was about to collapse. We quickly assessed damages and provided the family with tarpaulin sheets, blankets, mattresses, covers and other supplies”.

Hani Al Lahham (48), who heads the family, said: “We are poor. I built this makeshift house three years ago and desperately tried to make ends meet. We were hit very hard by this severe weather episode. My five children could have died from cold in their sleep. Rainwater seeped into the house and the wind almost blew us away. I felt so hopeless. However, PRCS’ teams did a great job and took care of us. Now my children can go to sleep on new and dry mattresses. We are now better equipped and we will with the help of God get through the winter”.

PRCS has provided humanitarian assistance to approximately 300 families affected by extreme weather conditions which started on Thursday, January 18, 2018. PRCS’ teams continue to assess damages and provide aid and support to affected families.

