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Portrait of a Volunteer - Mariam Titi: “An Exceptional Volunteer”

 I never imagined that one day I would become who I am now: a PRCS’ volunteer and the coordinator of the “Youths as Agents of Behavioral Change” Program in the northern West Bank. I was a very timid young girl. I had practically no social life in high school and was not involved in any social activity alongside my classmates. In short, I was an introvert. This worried my parents who started wondering how will I handle the very important and complex period of university studies that awaits me.

I finished high school and enrolled at Al Quds Open University, where I got acquainted with the work of PRCS’ volunteers. I was intrigued by their activities and decided to fill in a Volunteer Form Application at PRCS/Qalqilia. As a result, on October 9th 2010, a date I will never forget, I became a PRCS’ volunteer, working to serve humanity and participating in various activities.

 At first, I helped organize Fun Days at orphanages and schools. I still remember how I felt during my early days as a volunteer as if it was yesterday. How can I forget how I turned from being a timid and introvert girl to bringing smiles to children’s faces? I was so happy to see them play and laugh and to bring happiness into their lives. That was the real happiness I was searching for all this time!

Thanks to my work, devotion and love of volunteering, I was selected in 2012 to take part in a 10-day intensive training course at PRCS’ headquarters under the “Youths as Agents of Behavioral Change” Program. I thus made my first visit to the headquarters in Al-Bireh and to the Youths’ Department where I met many other volunteers.  

Later on, I was chosen to take part in the Youths’ Camp organized by the Program at Talitha Kumi School in Beit Jala. This was a very enriching experience which helped shape my personality and made me more benevolent and kind.

When the Camp ended, I returned to PRCS/Qalqilia full of eagerness to apply what I have learned on the ground. Indeed, I started implementing what I have learned in schools and universities. I was filled with joy every time I saw or learned that a person I have trained has changed to the better. I know of many persons whose attitudes and mindsets have changed, and so have their lives, thanks to the targeted activities and programs we offered to local communities.

Because success begets success, I was then selected by PRCS/Qalqilia to take part in a key PRCS’ train-the-trainer course on information and dissemination. I moved on to represent PRCS and its Youths and Volunteers Department in a course held in Jordan on gender issues as well as in a training course in Denmark. Finally, I was chosen to become the “Youths as Agents of Behavioral Change” Program Coordinator in the northern West Bank.

My enriching experience in the field of volunteerism and humanitarian work which started in 2010 put an end to my introversion, transformed me and enabled me to make confident strides towards a better and brighter future in which I play an active role in my community and help bring about change. At the beginning of my work as a volunteer, I used to feel happy when I brought a smile to a child’s face. Now my happiness has doubled because I am actually helping change people’s lives to the better. This is indeed a wonderful feeling that words alone cannot describe.

I have titled this story “An Exceptional Volunteer” not because I have exceptional attributes or qualities that other people lack, but because I have overcome my shyness and introversion and become a socially active person working to bring about change. And this is how volunteer Mariam Titi was born!