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Hearing-impaired children use football to make their voices heard

Al Bireh- The football field in Al Bireh opened its doors to welcome new players in a loudly cheered match between Palestine Red Crescent Society’s Total Communication School team and the Islamic School for the hearing impaired team.

As soon as the referee blew his whistle, the players started revealing their wonderful skills, defending their right to play football and to show how skillful they were. Salam, Mounadel and their co-players from PRCS’ team ran enthusiastically after the ball, passing it, striking it at the goal, missing, getting angry and enjoying every minute of the game, each of them thinking “Yes we can”.

Technically inferior to PRCS’ team, the Islamic School team gave the match its best shot, running after the ball drenched in sweat, sorry to be missing their chance but happy to participate in the match.
At every goal scored by PRCS players, who went on to win the match, they ran quickly towards the reporters and cameramen, pointing to the motto written on their shirts: “We have the Right to Play”.

Abed Anqawi, PRCS team coach, believes that his players enjoy high technical skills comparable to those of their non-disabled peers, and that they are real fighters, respecting instructions to the letter and always aspiring to win. “They must enjoy equal opportunities, receive financial and moral support and play in appropriate fields”, he added.
Salam Al Jamal, a footballer, said he was very happy to take part in this match and to achieve victory. He underlined the right of hearing-impaired children to play football, just like their non-disabled peers, as well as the need to provide support and assistance to his team and to other teams with hearing-impaired players.