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Guided by the V sign hearing impaired students from PRCS total communications school perform umrah pilgrimage to Mecca

Al Bireh – 42 hearing impaired students from PRCS Total Communications School, accompanied by 8 PRCS guides, took it upon themselves to challenge their disability and to perform their religious duty despite the difficult trip. They travelled for two continuous days just like their peers from Al-Bireh to Saudi Arabia where they performed the Umrah pilgrimage, overcoming their disability with hearts filled with joy.

They spent ten days away from home, overcoming, thanks to their unity, hard efforts and team work, the challenges posed by this difficult trip abroad. They performed the Umrah and returned to Palestine to convey what they have seen and felt using sign language. Being Palestinian, they used the V sign to keep their group together, as if to tell all worshippers in Mecca and Medina that “We are here, despite our disability, and even if we cannot use our voices, we are here come what may”.

According to Ghada Mansour, Director of the School for the hearing-impaired at PRCS headquarters, this pilgrimage was organized after students expressed a very strong wish to perform the Umrah. “During the trip itself, the students were very cooperative and disciplined despite the difficult conditions. They were patient and acted as one team, proving that they were at least as good and cooperative as their peers”. As for Umrah rituals and difficulties faced, Mansour added that lectures were given to the group over three days prior to their departure from Palestine by hearing-impaired and non-impaired lecturers, on how to perform Umrah rituals. Written prayer booklets were also distributed. “Students supported the very hot weather and the difficult road trip. In Mecca, they knew their way around easily and were never lost. They would not leave the Kaaba or the Holy Mosque except as a group”, she added.

Mansour valued support provided by PRCS represented by its President, Dr. Younis Al Khatib, to hearing impaired students who were given special attention and were received by him personally upon their return to Al Bireh, which encouraged them a lot.

Speaking in sign language and interpreted by Ms. Mansour, Shahd Niroukh (16) described the pilgrimage as very fascinating and interesting despite the difficult trip and the hot weather, adding that he enjoyed performing the Umrah rituals.

Salam Al Jamal (17) said that they made the V sign with their arms raised high so they could find each other in very crowded places, thus overcoming their disability.

Wi’am Alawi, a student at Al Quds Open University who graduated from the PRCS school, said that she enjoyed the pilgrimage to Mecca, Medina and the visit to Jeddah which she described as beautiful places.

Lina Sharo (20), a student in the twelfth grade (Tawjihi), said that the fact that hearing-impaired students performed the Umrah and returned home safe indicates that they are capable of overcoming challenges and enduring hardships, and must thus enjoy all their rights just like their non-disabled peers.