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PRCS and Partners Visit the Mobile Clinic in the Jordan Valley


Ramallah, Palestine- A delegation comprising officials from PRCS, the Swedish and the German Red Cross Societies, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) visited on Tuesday September 8, 2021, the mobile clinic operated by PRCS in Al Aghwar (Jordan Valley). Mobile clinics are a tool used by PRCS to enhance the resilience of marginalized communities in three Governorates in the Jordan Valley (Nablus, Toubas and Jericho) where access to basic services such as health and education remains limited.

Staffed by a qualified team comprising a GP, a gynaecologist, two nurses, a psychosocial worker and a driver, the clinic consists of a big vehicle equipped to provide general health and chronic disease care, health information, advice and awareness-raising, psychosocial support and medicine. Women, who are among the most vulnerable populations and the most in-need of humanitarian services, are also offered reproductive and sexual health care including prenatal and post-partum care, family planning and gynaecology. Speaking about these services, participants in a workshop on reproductive health in Al Zubeidat said: “we received useful breastfeeding tips. Moreover, we were able to meet other women and learn from their experience”.

Mobile clinics operated by PRCS offer an array of health, psychosocial, EMS and rehabilitation services. Volunteers are also mobilized, trained and equipped, including with EMS kits, to enhance resilience and ensure service continuity. Moreover, around 100 local volunteers have received capacity building support to enable them to carry out community-based plans drafted in line with local needs and implemented in close coordination with community members.

While in Jericho, the delegation also visited Dr. Fathi Arafat Complex for Humanitarian Services. Discussions with its staff focused on key needs and on rehabilitation, EMS and Community Work programs. The importance of the Jordan valley in terms of its geography and natural resources as well as the need to improve health services to increase resilience was underlined.