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COVID-19 Field Hospital Inaugurated in Al Bireh Municipal Parc

 A COVID-19 field hospital was inaugurated on April 12th in Al Bireh Municipal Park. The hospital was inaugurated by Layla Ghannam, Governor of Ramallah and Al Bireh, on behalf of President Mahmoud Abbas. It is the fruit of a joint venture entered into on March 13, 2021, by PRCS and Al Bireh Municipality.

The inauguration ceremony was attended by Minister of Health Dr. Mai al-Kaila, Minister of Local Government Majdi Saleh, PRCS President Dr. Younis Al-Khatib, Al Bireh Mayor Azzam Ismail and members of the Municipal Council. Fa’eq Allees, Reem Masrouji and Maher Alqadiry, the respective Presidents of Al Bireh Association, Inash Alusra Association and The Palestinian Association for Society Development (Ata’a) were also present. The ceremony was also attended by Brigadier General Ala’a Shalabi, Director of Police Forces in Ramallah and Al Bireh Governorate, AbdelGhani Attari, Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce as well as by representatives from a number of donors and Civil Society Organizations, members of the local community and PRCS staff and volunteers.

In her speech, Governor Ghannam conveyed the greetings of President Abbas and his appreciation for the effort put into the creation of this hospital. “This joint venture deserves our full gratitude and appreciation. It proves that our generosity knows no bounds. Al Bireh Municipality has set an example of generosity despite the financial crisis it is going through”, she said.

Ghannam wished a Happy Easter and a Happy Ramadan to all Palestinians. She highlighted the admirable efforts made by the Governorate and prayed for the end of both COVID-19 and the Israeli occupation.

Al Bireh Mayor said that despite the Municipality’s dire finances, it has chosen to support hospitals and medical staff. “This hospital is a first step that we take with a number of our partners, and I wish to thank all those who contributed to this great achievement”, he added.

Dr. Al Khatib praised this local community initiative aimed at providing services to Palestinians during the pandemic and carried out in partnership with the government. He thanked international partners for their contributions. “Together, we shall continue to serve Humanity”, he added. He also touched on services provided in Syria, Lebanon and the Gaza Strip. “With our partners, and thanks to support from President Abbas, PRCS has inaugurated four COVID-19 centers in Lebanon and organized educational campaigns in Syria. President Abbas has donated an Oxygen station to PRCS Yaffa Hospital in Damascus, and a new health center will be soon opened in the Gaza Strip”, he said.

Minister al-Kaila highlighted the need for this field hospital in the central West Bank given high occupancy rates in public hospitals. “Together with Ramallah hospital, this hospital will provide around 100 COVID-19 hospital beds”, she said. She also thanked municipalities for their great efforts in this field.

The new field hospital has a capacity of 50 beds and was equipped in cooperation with the Palestinian MoH.