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PRCS Receives Two Ambulances Donated by the Qatar Red Crescent Society

Al-Bireh, October 18, 2020 – PRCS received on October 18, 2020, two state-of-the-art and fully equipped ambulances donated by the Qatar Red Crescent Society (QRCS) with a view to enhancing the Palestinian Society’s EMS capacities and ensuring its readiness for all emergencies.

Speaking on behalf of PRCS, the Society’s Vice-President Dr. Khaled Joudeh thanked the government and people of Qatar for their continuous support especially during these difficult and exceptional political, economic and health circumstances. “The support provided by our brothers in Qatar reflects their longstanding generosity and is part of a series of activities and projects they fund in various health, social and relief fields”, he said.

Zeina Hmoud, Acting Manager of QRCS in the West Bank, said: “Support to PRCS EMS services is part of an integrated intervention approach initiated by QRCS several years ago to enhance the Palestinian Society’s Emergency Response capacities. In 2016, two ambulances had already been provided to the Society’s branch in the Gaza Strip while emergency supplies in the West Bank, including in Jerusalem, were boosted. In 2017, additional EMS support was provided and included an ambulance, medical supplies and medicines. In 2020-2021, QRCS intends to donate two additional ambulances to PRCS and will oversee their operations over a period of six months”.