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PRCS Delivers Food Packages to Families in Ya’bad and Al Zababdeh

(Al-Bireh – 19/5/2020): As part of its National Relief Campaign, PRCS delivered food packages to families affected by the Coronavirus pandemic in Ya’bad and Al Zababdeh (Jenin Governorate).

Samar Baidas, PRCS Director General, and several PRCS staff and volunteers in Jenin were present during the distribution of the packages which was made possible thanks to support from National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. 200 food packages were delivered to Ya’bad Municipality and 50 packages to the Church of Visitation in Al Zababdeh in preparation for their distribution to families whose livelihoods have been affected by the pandemic.

According to Rabah Jaber, Campaign Coordinator, “this aid was delivered as part of the National Relief Campaign launched by PRCS with a view to building the resilience of local communities during these difficult times. Through it, PRCS affirms its solidarity with Ya’bad in particular, a town which was recently blockaded by Israeli occupation forces for eight consecutive days”.

Sa’ed al Kilani, Ya’bad mayor, valued the support provided by PRCS to the local population especially in the aftermath of recurrent Israeli incursions and closures which had a disastrous impact on the population, with the army preventing food supplies from entering the town. “This timely Campaign illustrates once again the great and diverse humanitarian roles played by PRCS”, he added.
