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PRCS is Mobilized to Assist Palestinian Communities in Lebanon

Community work is a cornerstone of PRCS services in Lebanon where the Society carries out its mission with the help of 790 employees and 600 volunteers.

According to Dr. Samer Shihadeh, Director of the Society’s branch in Lebanon, community and health services are two equally important and complementary pillars of the Society’s work in Lebanon.

Speaking about how PRCS has focused since the beginning of the Coronavirus outbreak on awareness raising in order to prevent the spread of the virus, Dr. Shihadeh said: “Not much information was available regarding Covid-19 at the beginning, and we were afraid that it would spread rapidly if people did not heed instructions, and so we were among the first to hold small meetings with the aim of raising awareness about the virus. However, as the virus continued to spread and we began to know more about how it is transmitted, we decided to prepare videos and clips and to disseminate them through social media outlets including Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp. PRCS staff and volunteers also distributed Coronavirus leaflets at access points to refugee camps where health teams were taking people’s temperature. These measures aimed at assisting Palestinian refugees who suffer from many constraints given that they are prohibited from practicing several professions”.

There are 12 refugee camps in Lebanon officially recognized by the Lebanese State and UNRWA, while 30-40 other not-recognized communities also host refugees.

PRCS distributed food parcels in cooperation with partner institutions, including 1000 packages distributed in Al Jalil refugee camp near Baalbek. More packages will soon be distributed in other camps.

Dr. Shihadeh explained: "The economic situation in Lebanon is dire, especially for Palestinian refugees who have witnessed two major crises prior to the Covid-19 outbreak: the first was in August 2019 when the Lebanese Ministry of Labor decided to further restrict their work opportunities, while the second crisis took place in October 2019 with civil protests that shook Lebanon and led to an increase in unemployment rates among refugees. The Coronavirus outbreak was the third major crisis in a short period of time and caused another major increase in unemployment rates. In the near future, PRCS will carry out a number of psychological interventions with a special focus on children who are suffering because of both the pandemic and the lockdown.”

PRCS continues to carry out its mission in Lebanon despite all hardships. “Many things have changed because of the Coronavirus outbreak which has worsened the health and economic conditions of refugees. On the other hand, the burden shouldered by PRCS has increased. However, we will continue to do our best to carry out our humanitarian mission and serve refugees who have suffered tremendously over the past decades. One must not forget after all that it was to help them that PRCS was created”, Shihadeh concluded.
