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National Relief Campaign Launched By PRCS

(Al-Bireh – 10/5/2020):  PRCS launched today at an event held outside its headquarters in Al-Bireh the National Campaign for the Relief of Families Affected by the Coronavirus Pandemic. The event, which highlighted the close ties between PRCS and a number of its partners, took place with the participation of Ahmad Majdalani, Minister of Social Development, Dr. Layla Ghannam, Governor of Ramallah and Al-Bireh, PRCS President Dr. Younis Al Khatib, and PRCS Campaign Coordinator Rabah Jaber.

Minister Ahmad Majdalani lauded the campaign which he described as the reflection of the valuable role played by humanitarian organizations, mainly PRCS, in support of Palestinian communities during these trying times. “This campaign showcases social solidarity. It means a lot to us and is a valuable part of efforts made to fight the pandemic”, he said 

According to Governor Ghannam, this timely and vital campaign reflects the manifold roles played by PRCS. “It targets 20 000 families affected by the Coronavirus and proves once again that PRCS provides much more than just emergency medical services”, she said.

Dr. Al Khatib explained that food packages shall be distributed to 20 000 families whose livelihoods have been affected by COVID-19 in the West Bank, including Jerusalem. “This campaign illustrates the close partnership between PRCS and Red Cross/Crescent Societies in Qatar, Kuwait, Denmark, Japan, Turkey and Spain, as well as the International Federation of the Red Cross Red Crescent Societies. We have started distributing packages in Ramallah and Al-Bireh Governorate and tomorrow we will do so in Hebron followed by all other Governorates”, he said.

Al Khatib also spoke about the responsibilities shouldered by PRCS and underlined the great efforts made by staff and volunteers despite all hardships. “PRCS plays a key role and shoulders many responsibilities. Despite the many prevailing challenges, mainly the Israeli occupation, PRCS continues to discharge its mission in terms of emergency medical services and remains committed to assisting all Palestinians”, he added.

Jaber said that “the campaign aimed at building the resilience of families affected by the Coronavirus and that a similar campaign was also underway in the Gaza Strip. Both campaigns shall support disadvantaged populations whose livelihoods have been affected such as day laborers, taxi drivers and childcare workers. This is one of the biggest campaigns ever organized by PRCS and shall be followed by other similar campaigns. It shall feature the distribution of 20 000 infant formula cans while disinfectants and cleaning detergents shall also be distributed in the future”, he added.

