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Agreement Signed between PRCS and the Military Medical Services of Palestine

 (Al-Bireh - 17/3/2020): PRCS signed on March 17, 2020, an Agreement with the Military Medical Services of Palestine (MMS) on the allocation of EMS roles and tasks in response to the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).

The Agreement was signed at a meeting held specifically to this end in Al-Bireh by Ibrahim Al Ghouleh, head of Emergency Medical Services at PRCS, and Col. RassemAbou Rabie, Commander of Emergency Medical Services at MMS.

The Agreement sets out procedures for the transportation by the two parties of infected or potentially infected persons in all Palestinian Governorates in coordination with the Health Directorate in each Governorate.

PRCS underlined the importance of this Agreement which consecrates cooperation with MMS as a key player in the health field in Palestine. The Agreement also embodies the Society’s commitment to serving Palestinians in the most difficult times as per its humanitarian and patriotic mission.

