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Cochlear Implant Operations Carried Out For the First Time at PRCS’ Hospital in Hebron

 (Hebron - 28/1/2020): Another remarkable success was achieved at PRCS’ Specialized Hospital in Hebron on January 27, 2020 when Dr. Adel Adwan, ENT and Neck Surgeon, carried out cochlear implant operations for the first time ever at the hospital. Dr. Adwan was assisted by Dr. Khaled Al Sarahneh, anesthesiologist, and a surgical team. In all, four children aged between two and eight received cochlear implants. The cost of the operations were covered by a philanthropist from Hebron. PRCS’ Specialized Hospital is a state-of-the-art hospital run by highly qualified doctors, including several doctors with uncommon medical specialties.

“A cochlear implant is a small electronic device with electrodes that are surgically placed inside the inner ear and an external part that sits behind the ear. Sounds are captured, digitized and transformed into electronic signals sent into the inner ear. Signals are then sent directly to the brain via the auditory nerves and damaged hearing cells in the ear can be bypassed”, explained Dr. Adwan.

Dr. Tarek Al Ja’abari, Head of the Administrative Board of the Society’s branch in Hebron, lauded the work carried out by Dr. Adwan, the surgical team and the entire hospital staff. “These successful operations would not have been possible without the generous support of a philanthropist who donated the necessary equipment at a cost of more than 80 thousand USD”, Dr. Al Ja’abari said.

He also thanked the Austrian firm which is a global leader in the field of cochlear technology and Astemed, the firm’s sole and exclusive agent in Palestine which imported the equipment and donated one of them to the hospital. “The hospital can now receive patients referred by the Palestinian Ministry of Health”, Dr. Al Ja’abari added.


The end.