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The Council of Delegates Expresses its Disappointment at Lack of Implementation of MoU between PRCS and MDA

(Geneva, Al-Bireh – 8/12/2019): The Council of Delegates of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement adopted on December 8, 2019 a resolution regarding the Implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Palestine Red Crescent Society and Magen David Adom. The resolution called for a continued monitoring of MDA’s compliance with the geographical scope provisions of the MoU, based on the 1967 borders, until the 2021 Council of Delegates.

The resolution also clarified the role and mandate of the Independent Monitor appointed by the Movement which include undertaking monitoring visits, producing and submitting periodic reports, validating information regarding the registration of the PRCS’ ambulances and ensuring that the PRCS is able to operate in East Jerusalem.

The resolution reaffirmed the Council’s collective determination to support full implementation of the MoU, and expressed its strong desire to see full implementation achieved and validated well in advance of the 2021 Council of Delegates. Speaking at the Council of Delegates Meeting in Geneva, PRCS’ President Dr. Younis Al-Khatib reaffirmed the constant solidarity between the RCRC Movement components and the PRCS as well as their support of the Society’s activities within its geographical scope, especially in East Jerusalem

The resolution also expressed the Council’s disappointment that after 14 years,  MDA has not yet fully implemented the MoU and that Israel has not yet complied with its commitments to support MDA in the implementation of the geographic scope provisions of the MoU. The Council of Delegates discussed recent developments regarding the recent difficulties, delays and limitations by Israel in the licensing of PRCS ambulances to operate in East Jerusalem

Dr. Al-Khatib chairs the Palestinian Society’s delegation to the Statutory Meetings of the Movement including the 33rd International Conference held in Geneva with the participation of National Societies and country delegations.

