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PRCS Inaugurates its Tenth Disaster Response Training Camp with a Special Focus on Protracted Conflict Settings

(Al-Bireh - 3/11/2019): PRCS inaugurated today at its Headquarters in Al-Bireh its Tenth Disaster Response Training Camp with a Special Focus on Protracted Conflict Settings. Open to international participants, the nine-day Camp is held with the participation of 45 participants including 25 PRCS’ staff and volunteers from the West Bank including Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip and 20 participants from partner National Societies and ICRC.

In his opening remarks, PRCS’ President Dr. Younis Al Khatib welcomed participants from National Societies in the Middle East, Europe and Canada. He spoke about humanitarian challenges facing Palestinians in general and PRCS in particular due to the protracted crisis caused by the Israeli occupation. Occupation practices violate International Humanitarian Law, he said, and have killed, maimed and displaced many Palestinians. Such practices include settlement activities, the Wall of Separation, checkpoints, violations against PRCS’ medical teams, and the non-respect of the emblem.

The Camp will be held in two different locations: from 3-5 November, it will take place at the Society’s Headquarters in Al-Bireh; then from 6-9 November, training activities will be held in Masafer Bani Na’im, a desert-like area in Hebron Governorate. This location was chosen in order to place participants in a simulated disaster response environment. Consequently, most training sessions will be held in the field. Accommodation will be in a tented camp erected by the trainees who will operate in an extremely austere living/working environment.

The training team will present PRCS’ experience in responding to disasters under a protracted setting. To ensure an enriching training experience, PRCS will coordinate with relevant partners (IFRC, ICRC, PNS, Al Najah University, the Palestinian Civil Defence, UNRWA, OCHA and WHO) who will share their know-how in terms of working in protracted conflict settings.
