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PRCS’ President Visits Sweden and Signs a Cooperation Agreement with the Swedish Red Cross

(Al-Bireh – 19/9/2019): PRCS’ President Dr. Younis Al Khatib and his accompanying delegation concluded on September 19, 2019, a 3-day visit to Sweden. The PRCS’ delegation comprised Dr. Samer Shihadeh, the Society’s Director General in Lebanon, Dr. Atef Ibrahim, its Director General in Syria, Ms. Khalida Al Saifi, Head of Strategic Planning, and Ms. Rasha Bakeer from the Society’s International Cooperation Department.

Talks between Al Khatib and the President of the Swedish Red Cross, Ms. Margareta Wahlström, focused on means to further cooperation between the two National Societies, especially in terms of humanitarian and relief services offered in the oPt and in refugee camps in the diaspora. Al Khatib gave a presentation on the humanitarian situation in the oPt and PRCS’ interventions. A Cooperation Agreement was then signed between both parties.

Speaking about this Agreement, Al Khatib said it aimed at enhancing the humanitarian partnership between both Societies with a view to enabling PRCS to better respond to humanitarian needs arising from the Israeli occupation as well as from emergencies and natural disasters. He valued the special ties between the two Societies and spoke about the many projects and programs supported by the Swedish Red Cross in the oPt. He also touched on key challenges facing PRCS especially in refugee camps in Syria and Lebanon.

Ms. Wahlström lauded the close ties between the Swedish Red Cross and PRCS. She valued the efforts made by PRCS to provide services despite the difficult context, adding that her Society can learn from PRCS’ experience when it comes to providing support to men, women and children during protracted emergencies and crises.

Both parties discussed a number of key topics including the Palestinian Society’s 2019-2023 Strategy, humanitarian conditions in the oPt and especially in the Gaza Strip, the situation of  Palestinian refugees mainly in Lebanon and Syria where urgent humanitarian needs are increasing against limited international support, and the increasing burdens shouldered by PRCS in the humanitarian and health fields.
