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PRCS Celebrates the Awarding of the Florence Nightingale Medal to One of its emergency medical technicians (EMT)

 (Gaza - 25/8/2019): PRCS held a ceremony at its headquarters in Gaza City on August 25, 2019, to celebrate the awarding of the Florence nightingale Medal to EMT Mohammad Ghazi Al Hessi (44). The medal, which is the highest international distinction offered to nurses and nursing aides, is awarded by the International Committee of the Red Cross every two years.

The ceremony was attended by PRCS’ President Dr. Younis Al Khatib, PRCS’ Vice President Dr. Khaled Joudeh and Mr. Daniel Duvillard, Head of ICRC Delegation to the Occupied Palestinian Territory. A number of PRCS’ heads of departments and sections, EMTs and volunteers were also present.

Speaking at the ceremony, Al Hessi said this award was a reflection of the dedication he and his colleagues show to humanitarian work despite being continuously targeted by Israeli occupation forces. He thanked PRCS for having submitted his name as a candidate for this international award.

Speaking on behalf of ICRC, Mr. Duvillard congratulated Al Hessi, valued his dedication to humanitarian work and lauded his exceptional courage despite his wounds. Duvillard also valued the great humanitarian role played by PRCS against the backdrop of a protracted occupation.

In his address, Dr. Al Khatib said PRCS was extremely proud of Al Hessi and of this award which crowns the relentless humanitarian efforts made by him and all his colleagues. He recalled other colleagues from PRCS and the International Movement who lost their lives in the line of duty. Al Khatib also thanked ICRC for having awarded this medal to Al Hessi, as well as for their participation in this ceremony.

At the end of the ceremony, Al Hessi received the Florence Nightingale Medal as well as a Certificate of Recognition from ICRC.

The ceremony also featured dabkeh dances by PRCS’ Ahazeej Children’s Troupe and Al Koufieh Palestinian Popular Dance Troupe.
