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Under the Banner “The Dream Continues”: PRCS Organizes Summer Camps in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip

(Al-Bireh - 5/8/2019):  Under the banner “The Dream Continues”, 11 Summer Camps are taking place in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip with the participation of 800 children, including children with disabilities.

Supported by the Danish Red Cross, the Camps feature multiple educational, artistic and recreational events including sports, social interactions, psychological support, public health activities, field trips, First Aid and road safety events. An introduction to PRCS, its mission and principles as well as other topics are also covered in the Camps which target children between the ages of 7 and 12 and which are to end around August 15th.

The Camps are held under the supervision of qualified PRCS’ volunteers who received training in the field of Camp management and have attended workshops aimed at increasing their familiarity with and knowledge about PRCS. They aim at ensuring that children with disabilities mix with their non-disabled peers, raising awareness about the rights and needs of persons with disabilities, promoting voluntary service and group work, building self-confidence amongst children, introducing PRCS and its humanitarian mission, improving community conditions and providing psychological support mainly to those most affected by Israeli occupation practices.

The Children and parents welcomed the organization of these camps in areas in much need of such activities, including Khan Younes, Azzoun, Beit Fajjar, Artas, Jab’aa, Borin, Anabta, Bazaria, Doura, Ithna and Hebron’s Old City.

